Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Continuum Your Account Is Locked Will A Clock On Earth And A Clock In Deep Space Read The Same Thing?

Will a clock on earth and a clock in deep space read the same thing? - continuum your account is locked

My girlfriend and I had a discussion the other day. Want to know if you are two synchronized mechanical watches to land and take one deep into space the same view, taking into account the space-time continuum?

1 comment:

vỄĐү said...

A prediction of general relativity is that time seems to run slower near a massive body like Earth. This is because the interaction between light energy and frequency. The light Ward up in the gravitational field of the earth, lose energy, so that its frequency decreases. (This means that the time span increases between one wave crest and the next. High) Someone, it seems that everything that was in the following using no longer attainable. This prediction was tested in 1962, with a pair of very accurate clocks mounted on the top and bottom of a water tower. The clock on the ground, was the closest to the earth, it was found that run slower in full conformity with the general theory of relativity. the difference in the rate of clocks at different heights above the ground is of considerable practical importance with the advent of high-precision navigation system with signals from satellites. if one ignored the prediction of general relativity, the view that it is calculated, would be a mistake of miles!

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